It is definitely that time to start thinking about decorating for Christmas.Like all good innkeepers, Thanksgiving weekend is the time to bring the boxes up from the basement or down from the attic, rearrange the furniture and promise not to put up as much as last year, but that promise is rarely kept.
For us the best part is going to our local Christmas tree farm, Primrose Hill Farm,which has been in the same family since the 1730's and they are the nicest folks you'll meet. We take this job of chopping down our Christmas tree very seriously.......1st you get your cart( that they provide) so you can lug back your downed tree and they'll even loan you saws, though we do bring our own and don't forget the heavy-duty gloves.. As you walk out onto the tree farm, you need to peruse the various types, sizes, check the branches and then make sure you take a whiff of that wonderful smell of Christmas.
We keep to family year I pick ...the next year she picks... it just doesn't matter how old you get..... weren't you raised the same way?! It is a sight for sore eyes to see these city girls chopping away at the tree...... it ain't a pretty sight but we do get the job done and rather quickly I might add.This year we were lucky, the weather was beautiful, mild and sunny, unlike other years when we have tramped through snow, rain and blistering winds.
We have also bowed to the times where "less is more" and we can now decorate the entire B&B in 1day, a real feat for us.So we are sitting down with our cup of tea and hot coca this Sunday afternoon of Thanksgiving weekend, our home is decorated, inside and out and now it's on to baking those Christmas cookies by the thousands, the cookie dough is the best part! Christmas is so much fun and we haven't even gotten to the giving of the gifts!!
We wish you a most bountiful holiday season and an exciting and adventuresome New Year!
Tour guides will lead you by lantern light!
Take a Historic Graveyard Tour!
FDR’s mother, New York’s third governor, and three other "inhabitants" will tell their stories of American patriotism and local notoriety.
Tour guides will lead you by lantern light!
Take a Historic Graveyard Tour!